Monday, August 22, 2011

They ended in a pan

Sorry red combs, but the guests had to be served!


  1. I swear I can almost tell their different 'personalities'! I don't believe that animals do not have personalities, how could one even begin to doubt?

  2. You're right, Davi. Animals like human beings, have varied personalities. I watched these two cocks before they ended in a pan, and was actually inspired by how differently they handled their last hours, and wrote a short short story that got actually published in Sunday Monitor. I'll improve it one of these days and post it on my blog.

  3. Fantastic combs. I've always wondered what happens to combs. Do they get thrown away? Such a waste.

    I'm feeling guilty about laughing at this post because of all this 'animal personality' talk. But tee hee. Its funny.
